Friday, February 9, 2007

Get ONE with the Buddha and Help Africa

Kenneth Winfrey, an out- rageously gifted graphic designer, and I conceived this bumper sticker to raise money for the One Campaign.

The bumper sticker sells for $10 and all profits go toward fighting AIDS and extreme poverty in Africa. Email your order to me at

The ONE Campaign is an effort by Americans to rally Americans – one by one – to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE is students and ministers, punk rockers and NASCAR moms, Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life, united to help make poverty history.

The ONE Campaign derives its name from the belief that allocating an additional one percent of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world's poorest countries. We also call for debt cancellation, trade reform and anti–corruption measures in a comprehensive package to help Africa and the poorest nations beat AIDS and extreme poverty.

The goal of ending poverty may seem lofty, but it is within our reach if we take action together as one. You can start now by joining the ONE Campaign and pledging your voice to the fig
ht against extreme poverty and global AIDS.

To donate directly to the One Campaign go to

To check out Kenneth Winfrey's graphic design work and fine art go to Kenneth is also a featured writer at

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