Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

From the little lake near the ruins of Coba
Yucatan, Mexico

How is this for a "Wordless" NO SWIMMING sign?


Mommy Lutchi said...

scary! neat shot, thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfMyLife
Hope to see you too. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

P. Ollig said...

Nice shot! That's an American crocodile, right?

Lana Gramlich said...

Ooh, wow! Yeah I get it! Loud & clear!

poefusion said...

Now that's a picture, TR. I think it looks like a dinosaur underwater even though I know it's an alligator/ crocodile. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful photo. Happy WW~

Also, if I don't get over here tomorrow I want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

That is the best "no swimming" sign I've ever seen. Very nice photography.

Anonymous said...

I love it's eyes peaking out!

SandyCarlson said...

Whoa. At first I thought I saw a rock at surface level. Then I saw the eyes, and my heart jumped. The eyes say it all. I'll swim somewhere else.

Gabriel said...

Well, that's some scary looking sign!

Please come visit me and check my WW post for this week: First steps.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

neat and dangerous shot

Anonymous said...

Great shot. I'm definitely not going swimming. Coba is wonderful, being more off the beaten path than Tulum and Chichen Itza. I believe it is in Quintana Roo rather than Yucutan (though obviously it's ON the Yucutan).

Mary said...

Oh, my! No need for a sign, for sure. Those eyes made me laugh!

Autumn said...

Yikes! My what big teeth he has. Great picture TR.

BigAssBelle said...

it is the crocodile of my dreams. or nightmares. i've always had a wretched squeamishness about the prospect of being eaten by another living creature. big teeth ripping through my flesh while i watch in horror, my life agonizingly extinguished mouthful by mouthful. ;-)

jaws had a powerful effect on me and i've not yet recovered. crocodiles, alligators, scary things.

Anonymous said...

Think I'll stay firmly on dry land!

Mary said...


Just wanted to drop by and tell you how kind you are and also to note that in the category of writing talent, you are way up there - top 10, according to my ranking method. You should write a book.


~Red Tin Heart~ said...

It scares me, yet fascinates me. ~nita~

Pardon My French said...

Oh, wow -- it took me a minute to process. Yikes! Great shot


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