Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
The magic of Yellowstone is endless and unceasing. And the parable of the early bird could not be more fitting as this 5:15 am wake-up call proved to be worth its weight in....gold and worms. I'll never forget this morning, sitting on the rocky shore of the lake, the steam rising, wolves howling in the north at a rapidly descending moon, rutting bull elk bugling in the south with their whale-like fertility song in tribute to the flute-playing Kokopeli. Show me a better symphony.
Nature proves once again that when we show up - when we become present and engaged - her offerings are unfailing and unforgettable.
Wow, that's really beautiful!
I can see you were inspired by this... and who wouldn't be!
This is a real beauty, nature at her best. Great Sky Watch capture thank you for sharing this one today.
I think your's is the best sky I've seen so far. Stunning!
Wow. I especially liked your comment about"showing up" for nature. So true.
fantastic and amazing colors, excellent.
I stand amazed! This is so beautiful. What a world we live in...
Truer words never spoken. This is wonderful.
TR, Just picked up your comment on my blog. The poem is mine and you're welcome to it. God bless your caring heart.
This is a stunning and amazing nature photo.
Lovely colors.
Now that is a scene, and what a great post card that would make
Quite a morning you describe here,and the photo is gorgeous:o)
Just lovely .. really
So true.
Wow, that is truly awesome - I don't think a sky picture could be better!!
It looks like the clouds above have formed a low ceiling. Beautiful.
Is there ever a time when you can see too much Yellowstone? I don't think so, and this is just beautiful.
This is my favorite this week! Beautiful!
i am glad i could land at this wonderful blog!u r a good photographer and u write so well too!wish the snaps were a lil bigger so i can enjoy its beauty to the fullest.just go to the html code of the snap and look for
's400' in it and just change it to 's800' and see the difference.shall visit u often,friend.have a great week end.
Sounds like the perfect place to be, to just sit and enjoy.
WoW so beautiful photo!!!1
This is just beautiful.
Oh WOW!!! Another of my all-time favorite photos! Such amazing Sky Watch photos this week! This is absolutely gorgeous beyond words.
Marvellous the post, Very beautiful photograph!
My dream is I travel up to the Yellowstone!
To me the Divine Infinite feels most accessible in the American West. The vast sky -- the Creator's perpetual canvas -- the ever-changing clouds, the rarefied air, the silence broken only by the sound of creatures, or the wind playing the leaves.
Most of my favorite authors write about the West -- Wallace Stegner and John Steinbeck chief among them.
This picture and your words do perfect justice to the beauty and peace of Yellowstone!
I just love this place...!
Great pictures, Excellent writing...!
Sad that i couldn't find you earlier..
Beautiful. The accompanying words are just as harmonic as that picture your took. I am so glad I stopped by to see this. Have a nice weekend.
Stop by shadesofmj to see the picture I took of a funny sign. I also filmed 11 deer in a field if you'd like to see.
Beautiful colours, like my post...
Have e nice weekenk!
Look Good Readings
Santilli, from Brazil
Absolutely stunning. Keep up the great work!
A banquet for the eyes. I tell myself: "You shall not be moved by this, you weren't really there, you didn't hold the colours of the morning in your hand or sniff the air." But it's too late - I am moved!
What a stunning image!
The invitation to nature's beauty is always there - all we need to do is accept it and be there!
Wonderful photo and moment. Thanks for sharing, T.R.
Your Muse definitely smiles on you a lot, doesn't she? It must be so satisfying to witness such beautiful events!
Nature is Amazing.!! and so is Yellowstone. The surrounding areas inspire me daily. Thanks for Sharing!!
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