Sunday, August 24, 2008

Closing China

Images from the Closing Cermony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

All images trryan©2008


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sneak peek. Can't wait to see your hint of Closing Ceremonies images come to life on this side of the world tonight. Thanks for sharing. Saun

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can remember being here for closing ceremonies for Olympic Trials 89 and the emotions. Can't imagine being in Bejing. Looking forward to chatting with you again. Thank you for sharing your experiences and pictures with us.

Jean Warner said...

Hurray home so we can debrief. I loved the opening but found the closing a little freaky and disturbing; is it only me? But then I turned it off half way through. So - are those naked men?! Did I miss naked men?! Dang. Should'a left the TV on! I now find myself watching leadup to the Democratic National Convention and comparing it to Beijing and relishing our messy, open, democratic ways! Proud to be an American. :-)

Julie Zickefoose said...

There's a chandelier in the foyer of a Chinese restaurant in Parkersburg WV, and every time I go in I stand and stare at that thing. It's mounted on a low box, waist height, and it's upside down and it's all lit up and it stuns and amazes me, because it has undeniable decorative value, but it definitely resides in the bizarre zone. Watching the flame people swarm up the birthday cake took me right back to that restaurant foyer. I loved it, though, and I adore your photos, Timmo--I feel so privileged to be able to see the ceremony and Beijing through your sensitive eyes.You must be completely pooped. Wish I could bring you a cup of chamomile and a biscotti and tuck you in. Thank you so much for sharing all this with us.

Julie Zickefoose said...

There's a chandelier in the foyer of a Chinese restaurant in Parkersburg WV, and every time I go in I stand and stare at that thing. It's mounted on a low box, waist height, and it's upside down and it's all lit up and it stuns and amazes me, because it has undeniable decorative value, but it definitely resides in the bizarre zone. Watching the flame people swarm up the birthday cake took me right back to that restaurant foyer. I loved it, though, and I adore your photos, Timmo--I feel so privileged to be able to see the ceremony and Beijing through your sensitive eyes.You must be completely pooped. Wish I could bring you a cup of chamomile and a biscotti and tuck you in. Thank you so much for sharing all this with us.

kjpweb said...

I have to admit not to have followed the Olympics at all - other than through your pictures.
The closing ceremony keeps the phrase" Pomp and circumstance" popping up in my head. Aside from you showing great pictures - the ceremony looks somewhat over the top, huh?
Cheers, Klaus
P.S.: Be safe on your way home!

Mary said...

What a lucky man you are. My husband is rarely overcome at such beautiful sights, but last night proved to be an exception. He was glued to the ceremony.

Your photos are fabulous, for sure, and I enjoyed your edits - something we didn't see last night.

Hurry home, Tim! Your hummingbirds are waiting...

Lana Gramlich said...

That first shot reminds me of a fire.

Anonymous said...

These are great. It must have been something to be there in person. They really put on a show, didn't they?

Greg said...

Wow, Tim...these are great photos! The whole evening was a little unusual and overwhelming on television. I like seeing the moments frozen; gives you more of a chance to take it all in! I loved those guys in the giant wheels that came out.

Also, I was watching on a pretty small TV and never saw the patterns on those ribbons until seeing your images thanks for all the fresh perspective and personal insight you've brought, not just to the closing ceremonies, but into the whole Beijing Olympic experience.

I'd say you've earned a few sunflowers and a hummingbird or two. The Lotus flowers are pretty fine, though!

Kathie Brown said...

t.r., you have been having a little (or a lot) of artsy fartsy fun yourself! That one image of all those people climbing that tower reminds me of an army of ants. It makes me feel as though we are all very small, even though we may be many in number. Beautiful images; a swirl of color and light!

Anonymous said...

where did u find the music?
its our classic music,though i dont know the name.


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