On the leafy banks
an old Chinese poet
hunched in the white gown of his wings,
was waiting
The water
was the kind of dark silk
that has silver lines
shot through it
when it is touched by the wind
or is splashed upward,
in a small, quick flower
by the life beneath it.
From Some Herons by Mary Oliver
photo©2007 tr ryan
How did you know that it was just the time for some Mary Oliver? I'd not read that one. Your photo illustrates the lines of the poem so well.
TR, Mary Oliver can save the day. You chose the perfect photo for a wonderful poem.
Great job!
This photo and poem are a beautiful combination. Thank you.
That photo is very reminiscent of a painting I've done...A great blue heron on an all white background with the slightest hint of reflection. Cool!
Nice pairing. Nice all around. Saw herons today on my walk with my dogs.
Beautiful pic, T.R.! Where was it taken? Herons are such beautiful and graceful creatures.
Oh wow, I just saw the poetry corner! Thank you for the dedication. I'll put the poem up in my padded cube. Thank you my friend.
The time is always right for Mary Oliver. Don't you think a heron is a poem in itself? What an exquisite creature!
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