It’s just past the midnight hour and likewise bewitched I arise from a deep sleep to find that outside there still remains an overwhelming blanket of blackness that obscures the thin line of horizon between the sea and the sky. The ocean-going vessel that carries me is barreling headfirst into the last remnants of a late winter storm. The lambent light of moon and stars is shunt by this storm that rages across the sky - stargazing and navigating must wait for another evening. The night air is sonic with wind shear and the purl and roar of waves. The ship grinds and rattles as it careens through the storm and sleep is cut short – I rock and sway in my cabin with a delightful giddiness – in this roller coaster ride I am a child again. When I close my eyes and free my body to move with the motion of the water it is not difficult to imagine the nine-month passage in my mother’s womb. I rock once again in the boughs of her tender love.
Despite the winter war waged by the weather - the behemoth vessel cuts a firm and steady swath through the chop of water like an artist’s hand drawing a fine line across a crisp paper map – dissecting longitudes and latitudes as we travel away from the narrow isthmus of Central America toward the Florida peninsula. Tomorrow out of this murky darkness, Cuba will rise out of the ocean – inviting but untouchable. I will cling to the railing awash in sea-spray and watch for her rise out of the sea and ache to know her terrestrial beauty – so close, yet so far away.
Earlier this evening, from the flat light of dusk emerged a flotilla of gunmetal gray clouds racing across the horizon careening toward the equatorial waters of South America. Clouds are still flying south for the winter. Where are the equatorial breezes that will send them and spring sailing back? In Belize today I saw a fat restless scarlet tanager bouncing from tree to tree and was reminded of the promise of that not-so distant spring. I’ve read that spring travels 15 miles a day – I calculate when the tanager might finally arrive to the place on the map I call home and I decide its not soon enough. I too am restless for spring’s return. No matter where I travel in the world I remain always grounded in the landscape and geography of my home. Despite my tropical location tonight – I am very much aware that winter rages on where I live and I wrap this warm air around me like a sacred blanket and carry it back home in the hopes of finally freeing winter’s bitter grasp.
Very fine blog .
I do like your birds pics ( and the others too !).
The sky is on fire :O)
Like Deslilas I found your bird pictures to be excellent.. in flight shots are great. The faces are fun.
Enjoy Sky Watch..
Great photo.
That is stunning. Your blog is beautiful.
Lovely picture and colours. :)
Beautiful picture and post!
Wonderful .. so very involving
OK, the descritions of a cruise to the Caribbean that I posted on my blog last week suddenly look like dog meat. Nice post!
Super the picture and the post
This picture looks like a pastel drawing. I like the other pictures on your blog too, as well as your thoughts on climate change.
So very very beautiful picture. I anm dreaming and dreaming watching it...
Nice weekend to you, from Norway.
I've never been on a large ship until today :o) Good job, TR. Like a dream.
Beautiful image - both in the photo and the accompanying text. :D
This photo is absolutely spectacular! One of my favorites this week!
Who would have imagined that in the 21st Century we wouldn't be free to visit and share the lives of anyone in the world? When will cool heads and common sense ever prevail?
Fatastic photo!
I have too a fantastic shot in my blog!
Good Morning,
Having just returned from the Paw Park with Sophie and Gracie, I wanted to let you know that spring is not so far away. There are hundreds if not thousands of Robins that have migrated in to your hometown overnight. Spring is coming!!!!. Love and miss you, your oldest younger sister.
I envy your travels, particularly this time of year when I approach my snow threshold. Even still, I can really empathize with the rootedness in place that both haunts and placates us wherever we are. It's a powerful thing, this connection to landscape. How beautiful that you found it and can bring it with you wherever you go.
that photo? awesome! What a contrast, what colors! My SWF is here. Thank you.
Wow, that is such an amazing photo! WOW
wow....I love you even more than before .....is that possible?
Count me in for a return visit! An awesome blog, fabulous photos and lots to read to feed my soul. I see we have many similar interests. Thank you for visiting leaving kind footprints. I shall return ;)
I like it when you get into a trance and write like you have done here. You carry the reader along and, by the end, she can't even remember where things started. This is just beautiful
Beautiful photo. Remember that Spring's not SO far off. :)
There is a Romantic sensibility to this that immediately captured me. A perfect palette of prose.
This weekend, we had a significant thaw in the Chicago area, but I think I'd still rather be in a place like Belize today. I like your bird pictures!
Hello! I really like this picture. The sky is beautiful and the total blackness below appears comforting, almost like sleep somehow! (I have been staring at it for a while and have really got into it!)
Excellent and very interesting blog. Bye for now!
Your SKY ia also fantastic!
Thanks for visiting, come back again.
My next posts will be written in Portuguese and English
T.R. - What gorgeous pictures and prose. I am excited to have found you. I followed most of your links as well. I've had a spectacular, though nonproductive, afternoon thanks to you!
T.R. - Please go back to my blog and check out my response to your comment on Gay Marriage. In that post, I was speaking with the voice of one of the many religious fundies that live in my town, not as myself. Thee and me are on the same page!
A stunning photo and an extremely well written post.
WOW ! Awesome blog and pics !
Thanks for sharing.Keep up the good work .
Take care .
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!
Amazing the post, splendid photograph with marvellous colours that give prospect in the all picture.
Important the comment!
lucky man to see such weather
I bet you have seen and photographed some brilliant thunderstorms.
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