...American goldfinch from Oklahoma City is OK

..Snow geese from the Bosque del Apache in New Mexico (Can you just imagine the cacaphony!)

...Hawaiian black-necked stilt from Hualalai, Kona, Hawaii
...barn owl from Fort El Reno, Oklahoma
...great blue heron from Pea Island, North Carolina...chimango carcara from Buenos Aires, Argentina
...great blue heron from Lake Hefner, Oklahoma City (is OK)
Wonderful pictures T.R. Ironically my son and I are holed up in the house today because he is sick and we just finished watching Travels to the edge with Art Wolfe on PBS. He was in Kenya at Lake Nakuru and my son asked me what makes flamingos pink!
Sandhill cranes are special to me, every October they fly by the hundreds over my house on their way south. I keep my video camera handy because the site of them flying in such a large group with their distinctive sound is so spectacular.
T.R., more than watching the feeder birds, or birds perched in a tree, I am always captivated by birds in flight. Your photos are fantastic! The GBH is one of my favorites and I'm been watching them in flight with my camera this winter, without good results.
I have not seen a Sandhill Crane since living in MD several years ago. I would love to see one again...
Your travels are a blessing and I'm so glad you share your views with us.
Always love seeing your photography and how amazing to have captured so many birds taking off like this!
great collection, excellent motion shots. well done
Nice shots. I wish to go to those places. Nice to watch animals. My husband and I love watching animals especially those in Australia.
Great series of shots. I think the Kenyan flamingos are my favorite.
Autumn - Nakuru is definitely a special place and the sandhill cranes are pure magic.
Mary - You are a blessing! You always make me smile. You are the fairy godmother of the blog world.
Tom - Thanks, learning from the pro.
Evlahos - efaristo parapoli
Jese - nice to meet you
Doug - that shot was from 2002 - just months before I went digital. The scanner does not do it much justice.
The goldfinch and the owl taking off are amazing. You must have incredible patience to wait wait for and knowledge to know the instant to snap the picture. The view of the carcara in flight is also amazing! Great Job!
T.R. if you like Sandhill Cranes, you will like this slide slow that Jayne at Journey Through Grace posted last week. It's wonderful!
These photos rock!
Thanks patrick!
The video was awesome Mary
t.r. thank you for your kind words.. nita
your photos are beautiful
what incredibly beautiful images! i am just back from a trip to sedona and the grand canyon. every morning i was awakened by a flock of bluebirds picking berries off the tree outside of my window. that owl in midflight ~ amazing. and thank you for visiting me and adding me to your links. i shall do the same. i am delighted to have found you. makes this gloomy oklahoma day quite a bit brighter.
Wow, I love your site: the title, the photographs, the shared thoughts. The whole thing together.
Now I wish I could fly. How liberating it would be!
TR awesome pictures. while my lens is not big enough to capture the birds, I can capture the tree or lake they are in. My mission is to show the world how beautiful Oklahoma is, so with your birds and my trees we should do pretty well. See you on the road. Dusty Traveler.
Wow, TR, these are marvelous. I not able to discern the take-off movements of birds. I'm too much of a beginning birder. These are traces of your travels and of your gaze. Exciting.
I love this series of pics - thanks for sharing!
T.R. wonderful photos. I really enjoyed your posts. Thanks for stopping by. I will check back here often. I really your work.
You always have such amazing photos! Thanks for sharing!
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