The colonial town of San Miguel Allende rises up out of the central plains of Mexico to more than 6000 feet above sea level. It is here that the festivities begin two weeks before the Sunday designated as Easter. For more than 400 years the faithful have come here during Holy Week to celebrate with an enduring devotion and unwavering faith that simply overwhelms the senses. What takes place here during Holy Week really transcends any personally-held beliefs and religious observations of Easter.

Happy Easter - Happy Spring
Happy Easter to you, too! Hope you are having some fun. xoxo K8
Thank you for this marvelous post! I like the way you keep text to a minimum, just letting the photos tell the story. This passionate and literal interpretation of Christianity frightens me, but it is fascinating at the same time.
T.R., you took me away. Processions, children, smiles, silence, overwhelming reverence.
"...faithful who have come from afar to bare witness to the reenactment of the crucifixion."
I agree with Crayons. Your photos tell a great story but I do appreciate your narrative.
Happy Easter.
Their faith is abundant and unwavering. I walked in their shoes for a moment while reading this terrific post. It was reassuring to have such passion. You are the best!
You caught the true spirit of the Catholic celebratrion of Easter.
Very good post. A succinct story in word and imagery that captures the faith and tradition of the region beautifully.
Oh my! That must have been beautiful to experience! Wish I were there!
Many hellos from faaar far away!!!
Thanks for making it seem as though I was right there.
Very intriguing. I love the photos--the action lines make it seem surreal/ghostly. Nice!
I share your love for images that blur with motion. I especially like the little girls in white, with only one in focus. These are captivating, Tim. I'm envious of such a literal faith. I guess I question things too much.
Lovely lovely post.
That's a very incredible photo documentary. It really gives meaning to Easter, through people re-living a cycle.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I love following your travels and reading your commentaries. I was wondering..did you ever connect with Pam H ? Take Care
PS Kern is an idiot.
sorry about the deleted posts. I'm computer challenged
Wow! The effect you have used(what is that by the way?)is very atmospheric and made my head spin a little......mind it is early in the morning.....ok not that early but it's Saturday!
what a glorious post! and what a surprise to come here and find it while contemplating a move to the city of Guanajuato.
the images are beautiful and you have perfectly captured the people and the colors and the magic of mexico. what a glorious and festive celebration of the sun/son. thank you for this.
Hi! I'm surfing and found a bird watching Okie Blogger; check it out: http://okwba.blogspot.com/
Hope all is going smoothly.
Such beautiful images.
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