Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the 'one less traveled' by,
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost
I took the 'one less traveled' by,
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost
Every traveler knows that the road less traveled often reaps the greatest rewards. My last day on the island of Maui was spent traveling just such roads. There was pure poetry at every turn.
These images of hidden Hawaii need no explanation - I think they stand alone - each one a perfect poem transcending the need to be defined by words.

seeker of truth
follow no path
all paths lead where
truth is here
ee cummings
follow no path
all paths lead where
truth is here
ee cummings
Yeah! Another beautiful post.Great photos! love, love, love.
I'm sorry, but I can´t decide which I like most ... they are all great photos.
Splendid work here!
The diving action shots are awesome. I also liked the spider, but that's just me...
Magnificient photos! The diving action shots are really great!
I love the happy action in the last couple of pictures, but I think my favorite is the 2nd one--the branches focused against a fuzzy, cloudy sky. Very effective. What the heck are those rainbow colored trees? Are they real? They're amazing!
Doug - the spider was for you - spike-backed orb weaver?
Lana - rainbow eucalyptus -- imported from Papau New Guinea and thrives in rain forests.
Wow. This has got to be one of the most beautiful blog I have seen. Great shots always.
(Thanks quin for leading me here!)
Next trip to Hawaii, I'm coming with you.
I will need an orb weaver alert, though. I walked through a web last summer - ruined my eyeglasses.
I am entranced by every shot. You have such a gift.
Correct on the spider ID.
Great pictures. I like the first diving picture - the guy in the middle looks like he's flying rather than diving.
I remember once when I was a little kid, we went to the Thousand Islands in upstate New York on vacation. While there, my sibs and I had an opportunity to make a painting on a spinning thing. We would squirt the various paint colors on the cardboard and they would radiate out into a pretty picture.
When all was said and done, my sibs had lively colorful pictures and I had a dark and disturbed one. I felt a bit disappointed at the time -- and I know my parents were rather concerned -- but, over the years, I looked at my creation periodically and thought "hmmm, I think I was onto something."
T.R., some of these photos remind me of those early artistic endeavors!
Hi Faraway, Nearby,
Wow, these are such intriguing photos. How distant from your shots of Paris. I'm with Lana, the rainbow trees are magical. When you, the Master of Words, feel like words are superfluous, then these must have been moments of utter and visceral delight.
I like the webby one and the thorny tree one--
if I was around such beauty, it'd be difficult to leave.
It's good to see the hidden Hawaii so beautiful. I've wondered if it remains unspoiled.
Ah, rainbow eucalypt. Good to know it's native to PNG--did not know that. I have knelt at its beautiful altar in Guatemala.
Thank you for that, for the whales, and for Humpy the Not Very Monkish Seal.
Love it all.
Fantastic work done!
All the photos are great and I am spoil for choices.
Have a good weekend.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Hi Tim
I stopped by to see a new post, but this gave me the chance to read/visit this post from Hawaii.
I'm looking forward to reading your next post. .
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