Saturday, February 7, 2009

Prairie Magic

Sunrise at Selman Ranch in Woodward County, Oklahoma

I am constantly asked how I could leave Santa Fe after 15 years of living in the magnificent high desert splendor of New Mexico and move back to my home state of Oklahoma. I can sum it up quite simply in two words - family and geography. Family is easy for most to understand - but talk of my love of the geography of this state often leaves friends perplexed. Flat, boring Oklahoma? Ha! I've decided to let you in a little secret we have here by showing you.

Debby's inauguration as an official "Okie" is celebrated with an entire fried chicken and basket of fried okra Friday at Eischen's Bar in Okarche.

My good friend and fellow blogger Debby Kaspari of "Drawing the Motmot" is the featured artist of the upcoming Woodward Lesser Prairie Chicken Festival and I could not pass up her invitation last week to join her on a reconnaissance mission to the world of lesser prairie chickens and a chance to finally visit ardent conservationist Sue Selman and the infamous Selman Ranch nestled in prime prairie chicken habitat.

I'm in a mad dash to get to the other side of the world right now. So I leave you with these images of the vast and stunning geography of my beloved Oklahoma. For the summing up - please see Debby's eloquent post and tribute to Sue Selman - a modern day hero and Oklahoman who works tirelessly to save these magnificent prairie lands and the rich biodiversity that also calls this place home.

If you think you are seeing images of snow and frost in some the photos down below - think again. Sand? Nope. Guess again, this very tasty answer can be found at Drawing the Motmot.


Mel said...

I think I need to visit you some time. Beautiful!
Have a safe journey!!

Barry Moses (Sulustu) said...

Amazing pictures, as always. I really DO need to visit that place some time. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I can see why you love Oklahoma. Through your eyes I love it too!

Julie Zickefoose said...

It just doesn't get any better than that. What a treat to see Debby out in her habitat. I cannot imagine what you did to capture that first image--they're all stunning. Pretty darn adorable Dasypus, too!

Mary said...

I can't tell you how your photos make me perceive OK as being the most beautiful state in the nation. You are a fabulous photographer, Tim. Debby must be grinning from ear to ear and honored to see herself on this blog.

Safe travels!


BigAssBelle said...

Absolutely stunning. Salt, of course. Your eye is incredible.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, Tim. You're definitely selling your state well... the Oklahoma Board of Tourism should send you a check!

Diane AZ said...

Looks like with your talent and camera, you can find and convey the beauty of anyplace, anywhere in the world. Amazing photos!

FAB said...

Thanks for sharing images of the the place you love the best.
Stay safe on your travels Tim.
Best wishes, Frank

Sherri said...

Fantastic shots of stunning terrain.

Unknown said...

Your pics are awesome! LOVED that first one especially

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

that pioneer lady has nothing on you! ha! just fabbo!!!

Anonymous said...

Tim's an awesome talent, and a GREAT travel buddy! He didn't even mention our side trip to Alabaster Caverns (wow) and the quirky jukebox at Eischen's, plus the super birding along the way (stunning dark phase Roughlegged hawk). A most excellent adventure with TR.

Good travels, Tim!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning!

Chele said...

Stunningly beautiful pics. The armadilla and gopher had me smiling.

Safe travels!

Lana Gramlich said...

I love the armadillo! Sorry you're on the run yet again. Your vacations must involve relaxing at home!


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