Monday, August 3, 2009

Burn it Blue - Sailing through Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park


James said...

Very cool! No pun intended. :-)
I would love to go there.

Sylvia K said...

What incredible shots! They're really breathtaking! Almost other worldly! Thanks for sharing!

Have a great week,


Kathie Brown said...

TR, no words needed. I am speechless! What wonderous beauty you have shown us today!

alicesg said...

Wow the scenery is so superb and I already can felt the freezing cold from your

Julie Zickefoose said...

Whaaaa? Just sputtering here in Whipple. Pbbblllt!
Pfft! Gasping.We must be on a wavelength because I had just checked your blog moments before this stunning post went up. And I love the title, too.


poefusion said...

I'd love to see this in person someday if I weren't so cold natured. These are gorgeous photos. Have a great night.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Tim, can I borrow your eyes for just a day?
I want to see what you see.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Incredible series of photographs.

Rajesh said...

The shots of glacier and other landscapes are spectacular.

Martha Z said...

You found much more impressive glaciers! Alaska is a wonderful place, I would love to experience again but seeing it through the eyes of others is almost as good.

BLS said...

What an amazing landscape the blue ice looks incredible

Gaelyn said...

Very cool! Pun intended. I still haven't seen a glacier. But it's on my list. This is spectacular.

A fellow Ranger friend used to work at Glacier Bay.

Arija said...


Luiz Ramos said...

Great shots and Nature.
Thanks for share them.

Anonymous said...

Spectacular. It is like the entrance to Narnia has been captured. The hues of blue are striking. WOW.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

TR: Those are neat shot of all the blue in the glaciers.

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

So inspirational. I love it. The isolation, the beauty of it all!

Susan Ellis said...

Gorgeous glaciers ...other worldly on the tip of the planet...

Kirigalpoththa said...


Naviguess said...

Thank you, these are completely inspiring.


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