Friday, February 28, 2014

a light left on

Photographed at La Mamounia Hotel
Room #106
Marrakech, Morocco

In the evening we came back
Into our yellow room,
For a moment taken aback
To find the light left on,
Falling on silent flowers,
Table, book, empty chair
While we had gone elsewhere,
Had been away for hours.

When we came home together
We found the inside weather.
All of our love unended
The quiet light demanded,
And we gave, in a look
At yellow walls and open book.
The deepest world we share
And do not talk about
But have to have, was there,
And by that light found out.

- May Sarton


Julie Zickefoose said...

I. Love. This. Pairing.

Tate said...

That poem is fantastic, and your accompanying photo, perfect.


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