Adiós a mi Nuevo México

Adiós a mi Nuevo México
faltaré tu paletta de los colores
una tierra con los colores como salmones, del vino rojo, y del azafrán;
un cielo con los colores de frambuesas, de naranjas, de melocotones y de uvas.
Este cornucopia del color que alimentó mi alma.
Adiós, debo ir
Soy triste decir adiós
pero este camino me vuelve a mi gente
y me llaman ahora para viajar
y pues yo me voy
Ok, on request, here is how it translates - more or less:
Goodbye to my New Mexico
I cannot imagine to be without your land of enchantment
and the city of lights
and beautiful angels with hair the color of your land
and precious little girls with big round eyes who pretend to be shy
Goodbye to my New Mexico
I will miss your palate of paints
a landscape made from salmon, red wine and saffron
a sky made with raspberries,peaches and grapes
This cornucopia of color feeds my soul
Goodbye, I must go
I am sad to say goodbye
but this road returns me to my people
and it calls me now to leave
and so I go
the photos 1-5 & 7 (c) tr ryan
photo 6 (c) pilar anllo
photo 8 from
late night attempt at farewell poetry - tr ryan
translation - tr ryan's street spanish with the help of babelfish
faltaré tu paletta de los colores
una tierra con los colores como salmones, del vino rojo, y del azafrán;

Este cornucopia del color que alimentó mi alma.

Soy triste decir adiós

y me llaman ahora para viajar
y pues yo me voy
Ok, on request, here is how it translates - more or less:
Goodbye to my New Mexico
I cannot imagine to be without your land of enchantment
and the city of lights
and beautiful angels with hair the color of your land
and precious little girls with big round eyes who pretend to be shy
Goodbye to my New Mexico
I will miss your palate of paints
a landscape made from salmon, red wine and saffron
a sky made with raspberries,peaches and grapes
This cornucopia of color feeds my soul
Goodbye, I must go
I am sad to say goodbye
but this road returns me to my people
and it calls me now to leave
and so I go
The angel with the hair the color of the land is my dear friend Pilar who serves as a doctor in Northern New Mexico and the precious little girl with the big round eyes is her daughter and I am her "Uncle Timmy". Together, they made up a large part of my New Mexican life and I will miss the proximity but will see them often.
the photos 1-5 & 7 (c) tr ryan
photo 6 (c) pilar anllo
photo 8 from
late night attempt at farewell poetry - tr ryan
translation - tr ryan's street spanish with the help of babelfish
Me encanta la cancion de colores que ecribiste aqui. Pase' un rato en Albuquerque hace muchos anyos. Es precisamente el lugar en el cual descubri cien versiones del color "cafe." Irse de una region tan elegante e historica debe ser dificil.
Gracias tambien por las bonitas fotografias.
Como es eso? Eres de nuestra tierra universal, quiero decir, sin fronteras…unidos en la hermandad de la lengua…...? Como siempre te sigo desde PW y después me voy a tu pagina…Me encantan tus fotos y tus comentarios...Un abrazo entrañable…y felices fiestas…
Miss Crayon,
How many languages do you speak? I've added more photos since you first stopped by. Please come again. Gracias, Merci, Grazie, Obrigado.....y todos los idiomas que representan "la hermandad de la lengua". I love that idea -- the brotherhood of the tongue.
Some things cannot stand alone in English. A Lorca poem, for example. The heart and soul of New Mexico is the Spanish families that have been there four hundred years - well, that and the ever-present, soul-searing, tongue scorching chile. The chile is what grounds you there when you start to float in that light high desert air.
TR, might be nice to put an English translation along-side ...
For Lak:
Goodbye to My New Mexico
I cannot imagine to be without your land of enchantment
and the city of lights
and beautiful angels with hair the color of your land
and precious little girls with big round eyes who pretend to be shy
Goodbye to my New Mexico
I will miss your palate of paints
a landscape made from salmon, red wine and saffron
a sky made with raspberries,peaches and grapes
This cornucopia of color feeds my soul
Goodbye, I must go
I am sad to say goodbye
but this road returns me to my people
and it calls me now to leave
and so I go
Thanks for the translation. Beautiful ... loved the phrasing of "landscape made from salmon, red wine and saffron.". It captures the palette perfectly.
Indian restaurant recommendation on my blog.
My sentiments exactly, but in better Spanish. I do love my Dashboard widget that translates the odd phrase!
I love that we have New Mexico in common. It's the colors that drive me wild, and bring me back. Oh, and the light, the birds, and the people. And the landforms. And the food. Ummm, anything I've missed? Oh, the skies.
So nice to travel the world on your shoulders!
These images of NM are lovely.
I've tagged you for Seven Random Facts meme, if you're game.
Those are beautiful words and pictures ... and I've just learned that Crayons writes in Spanish!!
Wow, some beautiful images t.r. I didn't realize how nice it was. I'm sure you miss it and your friends there.
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