Monday, August 25, 2008

Lotus Position

Today's Flower is the Lotus Blossom - from Beihai Park, Beijing, China


Marcia said...

I love Lotus flower, singel, really beautiful.
Take a look in my post.

Cátia said...

beautiful flowers! nice pictures

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

TR: Beautiful Lotus flowers, reminds me of Water Lilies.

Anonymous said...

Such beauty! And lucky you to be in Beijing!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely photos, all! I am intrigued by the 4th photo (beautiful single Lotus, full face view -- as it were). Until I enlarged the photo, I thought there was a yellow decorative button in the middle of the flower. Plain to tell I've not seen a Lotus up close before.

Hope you have a safe trip home, now that the Olympic frenzy is over.

Cris said...

Awesome pictures! The title is very creative too :-)

Louise said...

Breathtakingly beautiful. Excellent series!

dot said...

Wow! It's sure pretty and the music was nice too.

Carletta said...

Gorgeous! I love that you posted all the different images. My favorite is the fourth one.
Well done.

***Fotografia e Luz*** said...

magnificent sequence of photos with beautiful flowers

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Marvelous, fantastic photos, wordless!
Your post add value to TODAY'S FLOWERS!

Thanks for your support!


Lana Gramlich said...

Such great shots of a beautiful flower!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are absolutely beautiful! One of these days I'm going to learn how to get that dark background. :-) Great job on these!

Greg said...

That third photo, that one's my favorite. Well, except number four's pretty great, too. Not that there's anything wrong with those first two...but those profile views, your compositions there are just stunning.

Ah, but that's just nature at its finest, isn't it? Stunning the hell out of us anytime we care to look!

me ann my camera said...

Very beautiful photos!

Doug Taron said...

Lovely pictures of a beautiful flower. Have you ever seen American lotus? It's a close relative, pretty much the same shape, but the flowers are yellow rather than pink.

Mary said...

Your photos just plain rock, Tim.

Kathie Brown said...

t.r., these are stunning. What beauty! Enough to inspire poetry for the ages.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful TR. Hope you're home soon. Aren't the red dirt hills calling your name?~~Dee


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