Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Meet the Neighbors!


Louise said...

Excellent, colorful captures of LIFE where you are.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful people. The colours are magnificent.

kjpweb said...

Cheers, Klaus

Pat - Arkansas said...

I truly enjoyed seeing all these photos, but my favorite is the older woman taking her dog for a ride in her bicycle basket!

Thanks for this vicarious glimpse into the life of our neighbors.

Mary said...

Tim, you share so much more than just photos. You capture life. Humans doing what they do, loving what they do, in their element. The dark shadows and lightheartedness wows me. You are so much more than a photographer, you know. Without words, you tell a story behind that lens.

Julie Zickefoose said...

Tim, Tim, Tim,

your artistry behind the camera astounds me and keeps me coming back. I would rather look at your street scenes than watch the events, though I have been sucked into it of late.

Your blog is blossoming like a fantastic flower and I am so proud to know you.

Lana Gramlich said...

Okay, that does it. Now I HAVE to get to China one of these days!

BigAssBelle said...

stunning. the colors . . . incredible.

Marie Walden said...

How on earth did you manage to take so many beautiful photos when you're so busy? I'm already feeling nostalgic though I've only been home for a few days!

Come back to us!

TR Ryan said...

Marie, by literally shooting from the hip as I was out and about on errands or getting from A to B.

Julie Zickefoose said...

Well, keep hip shooting, Mr. T.

I think Tim's trick, aside from being simply brilliant to start with, is the photographer's rule: Never go anywhere without your camera.

Thank you for taking it, and us, everywhere you go.

Wish you knew how many times I've returned to scroll through these photos.

Crayons said...

Hi TR,
I'm just catching up with your blog. These are so beautiful. I feel like this aspect of China was a big lost in the Olympics this year.

Too many people go to a foreign land and just see the people as exotic and different. Your eye sees them as brothers and sisters. I really love what you have done.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful images of people in a different land with a different culture. It makes me wonder when people look at Americans we must really lack "culture", that little something that says we've been here forever and this is who we are. I guess that's what happens when you're a melting pot of so many different cultures. Hmmm....

Kathie Brown said...

That's quiet a photo journal. I can almost feel as if I am there. My favorite is the old man and the brooms; a poetic photo.


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