Another sunset. This one on the Albanian coast. I watch from a seaside perch on a distant hill as the sun sinks into the Adriatic Sea gilding ancient ruins into lost cities of gold.

This is my time of travel; four continents in just a few weeks. I am up for the task – there is so much of this world to take in and
to feel; I am a willing participant.
I realize today's sunset is tomorrow's sunrise in the next place this journey takes me. With mission accomplished I speed across the skies like a wayward Apollo chasing the sun to the next port of call.

Arriving in time to catch the next one rising or falling as the tilt of the earth demands.

I have crossed so many latitudes and longitudes I have no concept of time. I now measure my days in sunset and sunrises.

From the frozen steppes of Asia to the balmy shores of Europe; I flinch - this world is so damn magnificent. Tomorrow I journey yet again -- to the in between place; between continents, between hemispheres - always chasing the sun.
TR: Those are some beautiful capture from around the world. I'm glad you caught the son.
Stunning collection!
Fabulous pictures. What a colours!
Thanks for sharing.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Truly wonderful! You never seize to amaze! :)
Cheers, Klaus
What a wonderful serie of pictures.
I love the deep colours of your sunsets. Have a good weekend!
amazing photography here. great colors
Magnificent indeed. That's such a wonderful word. It describes all scales of our world- whether hemipheres and continents or licken growing on a piece of tree bark or the scales on a moth's wing. I don't think I have the soul of a traveller but I enjoy seeing the view through your words and photos.
Those are deliciously beautiful...
What a beautiful series of photos. The colors are amazing. I just love them. Thank you so much for sharing.
Wow ... are you the GLOBETROTTER or what?
When shall I be seeing you in Portugal shooting great photos?
Fantastic photos. As always.
Glad you found me and glad I found you again.
Not blogging as usual, but I'll keep in touch.
TR: What gorgeous sunsets and beautiful photos these are! Hope you're having fun globe trotting around the world! Oklahoma is awaiting your return! I'm sure the fun sites you're taking in will make it hard to return "home!"
Enjoy and keep taking these fabulous pictures!! We love seeing them!
What a spectacular series of photos- absolutely beautiful.
Fantastic photos, and I'm tired reading your commentary. I've been way behind blogging and haven't been to yours in a while. I've wondered, however what you've been up to. (I'll get there.) Now that I got a little preview, I can hardly wait!
What a beautiful sky of your photos.
The Google translator.
BEAUTIFUL photo's!!
Thanks for sharing.
Take care
wonderful to see this not so frequently seen part of Europe. I really enjoyed the previous post on Albania too, & on Siberia, & ...
All beautiful but the last one with the searchlight beaming down realy has the WOW factor.
Tim, the sun is the sun wherever you are, either at home or longitudes and latitudes far away. Thus, you are Faraway, Nearby, chasing your connecting home spot each day.
Fabulous. Safe travels, please.
Bravo maestro!
All so stunning, hon! Although there's an upside to all of your travels, of course, I wouldn't want to deal with the hectic-ness, the jet lag, etc. How do you even know your own, true age anymore? *L*
Your pictures are absolutely magnificent!
wow some great shots !!!
Nice blog
Keep it up.
You been to Australia ??
Great Barrier Reef ??
WOW, the photography is equaly as magnificent as the writing. Very poetic prose! Love IT!!!
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