La Gente - the people.
Nicaragua is a place of extreme contradiction - unfathomable beauty juxtaposed against unconscionable poverty. Despite Nicaragua's terrestrial richness - its greatest natural resource is definitely its people - La Gente. It has been extraordinary getting to spend the last ten days with some of the kindest, gentlest people on the planet.
I've been here on a photography mission with Empowerment International -- an incredible organization dedicated to eradicating poverty through the empowerment that education endows.
I'll be talking much more about Nicaragua, E.I. and their project Villa Esperanza when I get back to the states in a few weeks. For the moment, I leave you with the people of Nicaragua -- they are incredible. They also have a very important election today. Here's hoping the power of the people prevails today.

Wow! What an amazing post! This is very poignant and interesting! The pictures and people certainly show the range and diversity in each of them! Looking forward to hearing and seeing more of the Country and people!
Yes, Power to La Gente! Your life is so enriched - far beyond anything I can imagine. I see the compassion in your heart through your photos and words. My God, you know people well and look into their souls with your lens so well.
BTW, my recent apology was laced with a bit of sarcasm...thanks for the affirmation, Tim.
So many smiles. I don't think I've seen that many smiles in the US in 41 years.
Thank you!
Cheers, Klaus
What a beautiful people.
Their faces say so much.
I look forward to more.
T.R., these are stunning. I love the little girl in the dress and I see you did too. The photo of the man half in shadow is so dramatic. Through your eyes I get to see places I will probably never get to. Thank you for all of these glimpses of the world!
The people are beautiful. The photos spectacular. It is heart-rending that they must live in such dismal poverty. But their spirit is bright, even amid the trials their daily lives must bring.
this is a STUNNING portfolio Tim, you have really captured a wonderful essense of these people...
Tim, amazing amazing photos as usual. You are able to impart such a sense of place wherever you go. I love seeing through your eyes!
Nobody does it better.
I can see you reflected in their eyes and smiles.
Not many people have the courage to photograph strangers, or the kindness to make them feel comfortable about it. These are lovely.
I have been to Nicaragua and la gente pa' ya are the most generous, charming and among the poorest I have encountered on all my travels. Your photos are lovely.
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