Monday, April 27, 2009

My World Today - New River, West Virginia

Northern Parula

Forests of poplar, white oak and hemlock

White-throated Sparrow

Ephemeral Woods

Scarlet Tanager

LBJ'S - Lincoln's Sparrow

Phoebe - a phirst for me

Enchanted at every turn

Black and White Warbler

Wordle: Lifers - Today




Sylvia K said...

Lovely shots, beautiful colors, delightful birds! Thanks for sharing "your world today"!

Barb said...

A little bit of everything wonderful about spring! I like the angles of the tree shots. The birds are also great!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Beautiful. I've held siskins and chaffinches but never these beauties. Accidental birder, I can identify with that.

Mary Elizabeth said...

Stunning photos.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Guy D said...

Excellent myworld posting, that second photo is outstanding, wow.

Have a great week.
Regina In Pictures

James said...

Looks loke a great place. Your photos are awesome!

Diane AZ said...

Looks like you're having a marvelous time at the New River Birding Festival. Spectacular photos!

SandyCarlson said...

Really wonderful work!

Julie Zickefoose said...

I cannot wait. Got some stuff to do here (I'm on for Earth Day celebration at Liam's school Weds.) but then we'll be down. XOXO JZ

Unknown said...

Beautiful series Ryan. The 2nd image of the trees against the blue skies is breathtaking.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Outstanding! Thanks for the great variety of wonderful pictures.

Mel said...


Gaelyn said...

Thanks for taking us along to the New River Birding Festival. Great shots.

Linnea said...

Amazing shots! I love the first shot...he's just singing away!

Jenn said...

Nice enchanting forest, the trees are mighty tall. And the birds are just captivating. Lovely shots!

Kathleen said...

The beauty of New RIver is stunning and the birds magnificant! I can hardly wait to join you!


This is for sure a beautiful world! I simply fell in love with the second shot! I could loose myself in that one!

GingerV said...

I love the photo of the sky looking up through the trees. lovely

Erin said...

so like that shot looking up the trees...beautiful angle.
have a wonderful week.

RuthieJ said...

Looks like gorgeous weather for seeing gorgeous birds! I hope you're keeping those crazy flockin' blogrrls in line!

coolwaterworks said...

I envy your world today TR....
Great pics... Have a nice week!

Doug Taron said...

Want. to. be. there. Great post, I hope you are all still having tons o fun.

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

This post reminded me of a song I heard growing up - His Eye Is On the Sparrow.

"Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me..."

May He keep watch over you while you are traipsing across His beautiful world!! HURRY HOME. You're missing First Friday!

Anonymous said...

The little sparrow sitting on your hand - I couldn't breathe for fear he would fly away. What a lovely wee guy!

Susan Gets Native said...

Tim, you were a Dream Come True. I enjoyed our time together (makes it sound all sweaty and dirty, doesn't it?).
You are on my Favorite People list.
Hugs, Babe!

Mary said...

here I am at work...

my heart and mind still in West Virginia.

Miss you.

Kathie Brown said...

TR, well done!


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