Hello World! My name is Hugo Stone Quintanar and I am very happy to be making my blog debut. I live with my two dads on 80 square feet of high desert Rocky Mountain scrubland. And yes I am many-named just like the most famous dog in blogdom - but more on that in a minute. Despite my canine propensity -- I am a Leo and for the moment it is all about me and my impossibly floppy ears.

This is my serious side - am I not ridiculously beautiful! I thought you might agree. I have butterfly ears and I am very proud.

Here is my playful side. Do not hate me because I am beautiful.

And here I am appearing to be contemplative. Actually I am passing gas - but with good manners you can convince humans of anything.

I live in a very confusing world. People insist on calling me a Boston Terrier - but I have never been to Boston and have no immediate plans to go. I think this portends a lack of major insight on the human species. Not to mention that we once had a president who called all bad people Terrierists and no one corrected him. "We are at war with the Terrierists". Yeah, not a good name to have these days. In fact, I prefer to be thought of as just a Santa Fe dwelling, high desert doggeh - through and through.
Being raised a good New Mexico Catholic dog, I have a god-daddeh and he's a bloggeh and his picture is on the right side of the blog you are reading. Yep, that's him. He's the best god-daddeh in the whole world and I love him for many reasons. One is that he lets me lick his entire face without complaint and allows the occasional French kiss. Two - he has an in with the two most beautiful girls in the world and seems convinced an arranged marriage is possible with....
the Licker Sisters - have you ever seen anything more beautiful or goddesses so divine? With a little luck - in two weeks god-daddeh promises to have a prepuptial agreement for marriage with one or both of the Licker Sisters. I guess it's a good thing I like older women. Hubba hubba! Good luck in West Virginia God-daddeh, I hope
Mary's view on puppeh love is the same as yours!
Hey! wanna know the real reason my god-daddeh TR is unbelievably cool? - in less than two weeks he's going to meet my hero, the most famous doggie in all of blogdom - that's right Timmeh is going to meet - oh my gosh - I get chills just saying his name.....the one, the only, the incredible...

Blog star, centerfold, advertising mogul that's the dog I wanna be!!!!! He da man!
Oh but god-daddeh says I need a lot of work before I even come close to being Chet Baker when I grow up. During his short visit to Santa Fe this week - he put me through a Chet Baker training course.

First up, chasing rabbits - but we substituted with cats. Baker loves the bunnehs. Hugo loves the kittehs....same, same, only different weapons at the end of their feet.

And like The Baker, I mean business when I am in hot pursuit of furr-balls on four legs! Grrr....

I'm gonna get you kitteh - I've got to pass my Baker training course with flying colors and googly eyes.

The Baker says, unequivocally, you gotta know when to hold 'em --

and know when to fold em!!!
But God-daddeh says The Baker would not have backed off so easily from a knife-wielding furr-ball. I think I'm just smart!

The real key to success is being faster than the kitteh.

And now I will go into my superdog routine to impress The Baker

flying faster than a speeding bullet

jumping higher than a hollyhock...

is this superdog or superhorsey? God-daddeh says I look like a dressage lesson gone bad or something you would ride up and down on a merry-go-round, anyway I cleared the tulips, flowers intact. Wouldn't Baker have done the same!

If part of being Baker when you grow up is learning to love the outdoors - then count me in. I love the wilderness and I am a hiker in more ways than one!

God-daddeh is teaching me to bird watch - just like The Baker. Baker comes from a very famous bird watching family and if I don't learn my birds - I can never be Chet Baker when I grow up.

Actually Kenn, I disagree - the ear coverts are all wrong, the lores bear further examination, the flank is too thick, and if you compare the tertials against the wing-bars and the primaries along side the under tail coverts it becomes quite evident that this is in fact a text book example of
Columbia livia.

Wawawawait God-da-daddeh - I see the best bird of all - the blue bird; fat, round, ground nesting and irresistible.

I must 'neak up on it with all my concentration.

Drat! Foiled again by the human's incessant need to constantly propel things into the air for their own apparent amusement.

I am determined that bird will be all mine. And I will test your endurance with a game of patience. I am stoic - and I have a lovely lower overbite which will distract you with its irresistible cuteness and then...

that damn bird is all mine. Silly humans - you will never win!

Next up in Baker training - animal impersonations. This is my baby seal. Again, please don't hate me because I am beautiful and adorable.

This is my weasel pose - it scares the kittehs every time.

Part of being like Baker someday - is learning to go on safari and stalk and destroy stuffed animals in the wilds of the human domain.

here is Chet Baker in his finest moment.

God-daddeh - I bring you one dead bear. Do you think The Baker would be proud?
Yes, Hugo - I do. I think you are well on your way to being famous in blogdom just like Chet, maybe in another ten years.
Look! I've even almost got my ears to stand up Like The Baker. Do you think I am as cute as The Baker?
Yes, no doubt you are cute Hugo but you have another 100 or so Baker-like poses yet to master.
Chet Baker - I wuv you. And I want to be you. It's all I think about. I can has Chet Baker!
Bloggers Note: In my travels I've had the opportunity to meet some remarkable people - celebrities, legends, world leaders, ambassadors, presidents, prime ministers, kings and yes a queen or two- but nothing compares to the opportunity I will have in exactly two weeks in West Virginia when I finally get to meet the most famous doggeh in the world - Chet Baker. It promises to be a defining moment in my life. I can't wait!!! Here's to you Chet Baker!
Photos of Chet Baker - pinched from Julie Zickefoose without approval
Photos of the Licker Sisters stolen from Mary's View with zero consent
Photos of Hugo - compliments of his talent agent
Need a Chet Baker look-alike for your next party - hire Hugo, now booking; operators standing-by!!!
Hugo - you are priceless. the love you have for your 'god-daddeh' is obvious. have a good day with your practice to be a star!
Funny! Good that you left it at being raised Mexican Catholic and left political affiliation out! ;)
Good one, Tim!
Cheers, Klaus
FLATTERY WILL GET YOU EVERYWHERE WITH MR. BAKER. Tim, I can hardly read this - tears of laughter - your Hugo is priceless, precious, and the perfect Boston Terrier package. Handsome Hugo - I would introduce to my girls in a heartbeat! Consider the floppy ears his trademark.
What's sweet is how you are so in tuned with his/their personalities. Seeing him on the move, chasing the kitteh, is so funny and so real! Your commentary on the faces of Hugo is perfect.
Don't worry, Chet will love you! It's all about the licking and bikkits.
Hugo your are adorabe. Loved all the pics. Thanks for the smile.
Chet Baker is standing here in the morning sun, staring me down, wanting a toy from his New Toy cabinet. What a lovely surprise to find beautiful Hugo cavorting on your blog! You have the Boston terrier spirit captured here in all its facets. And I can see that you've discovered the key to photographing them, which is to talk to them the whole time. Hugo has such a sweet face and beautiful markings. I can see him with Chet,a rolling ball of black and white, chasing kittehs. What a team they'd make.
Liam is doing a countdown to New River--he announced this morning that it's nine days from now. I can hardly believe it! Gonna meet Timmers! Chet is bringing special ambush kisses for you. Thanks for the homage de la Bacon. We really enjoyed it.
This is the first post of the day for me and what a treat!
Can't wait to meetcha in West Virginnie Tim!
"Do not hate me because I am beautiful." *ROFL!*
Thanks so much for this post. I'm already completely in love with these dogs. They're so inquisitive & FUN seeming!
Lots of fun reading this post. I needed that! :)
I just sent this link to my daughter. You know, Hugo looks like a 30+ pounder. Large BT! Yes?
hey there! The pup is BEAUTIFUL! full of personality! And you take the best pictures..I can never capture my greyhound right. Good on ya!
Stunning Hugo looks like a show jumper to me! What a beautiful boy!
Beautiful series. I like the way you have organised this series. Starting with a fierce looks, slowly and steady mellowing to cute looks. Nice.
Oh, Hugo, we've just met, but I wuv you for sure! You make such a good point about that "Boston" thing. I had a Yorkshire Terrer who kept me company for 15 years, but she'd never set foot (nor paw, even) in Yorkshire.
I really enjoyed meeting you!
Hugo says thanks all! He's looking forward to coming back later in the summer for another blog appearance.
i spend way too much time on the internet, so i'm pretty in touch w/ content out there, and i must say nothing - ok - NOTHING - i have ever read - has made me laugh this ridiculously hard BY. MY. SELF.
The first time I read the word "daddeh" I had to stop reading altogther and wait for msyelf to stop laughing. And, then, I gained control, but everytime I'd read daddeh I had to laugh again. So, I was fine until I got to the jumping hollyhocks.
This is just priceless. Were you laughing your butt off while you were writing it, God-daddeh?
On a side note, it's nice to find Zickefoose. Some peeps get all the cool names.
OMG!! Hugo I Love You!!! You are the most precious boy, next to my 3 furbabies that is. When I was a very little girl, not one yr old yet, I had a dog like you & her name was Mabel. My Mammeh was afraid she would jump on me so Mabel went to a new home that had no kids. I have missed her all my life. You my dear boy made me smile, laugh, & I think you are FABULOUS! Hope you make a guest blogger appearance often.
BTW, I think your God-Daddeh is pretty cool also.
Looking forward to your next post.
Blessed be...
have been in search of such interesting Articles, I am on a holiday its good to see that everyone are trying their best to keep up the Spirit by having such great articles posted.
Cheers, Keep it up.
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