Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Side of the Mountain

Mount Sheridan as seen from west of Meers, OK

This is the view this morning from the little cabin I am renting (for the second time) outside of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.  This octagonal-shaped cabin is a magical place - a balmy breeze wraps around it constantly and seems to speak in the hushed voices of the ancients.  Across the street, about 200 yards away, there is not a leaf moving and the temperature is a good fifteen degrees warmer.  In the middle of July in western Oklahoma I sleep here, buried under blankets, with one window open and the air conditioner turned off - a delightful surprise for certain - but uncanny and unheard of.  

This peak and this place call to me much like Pedernal near Ghost Ranch did for the thirteen years I lived in Santa Fe.  It seems like wherever you go - there you are.  But with one big difference - this is right in my backyard - and this is home.

To see the sky in other parts of the world today 
go here:


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'd be going back to the Octagonal cabin myself from time to time. What a special place.

Mount Scott gets all the publicity but Mount Sheridan looks very cool. I hope the view from the top doesn't have all the wind turbines that Moutn Scott has.

Anonymous said...

Magical! Thank you Tim!

Eve said...

That looks like such a wonderful, peaceful location!

BraCom said...

beautiful photo


Seen on SkyWatch Friday

EJ said...

ery col!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds like you are staying in a fabulous place. :) This photo looks like a watercolour. It;s lovely!

Lana Gramlich said...

Welcome home, hon. :)

Boom Nisanart said...

Wonderful skywatch !

Everyday Melbourne

eileeninmd said...

You have a beautiful place to live. Gorgeous shot!

L. Neusiedler said...

I really miss going to the mountains... great picture!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

OK, now we all want to move to Oklahoma. Who could resist that lifestyle and that VIEW?????


K Soucy said...

I really like this.

Siromade said...

Interesting post in here, beautiful sky photo. Hope you had a wonderful weekend'

Loree said...

I love your photo - I love most of your photos. I wish I could take such beautiful pictures.

clairz said...

This is a beautiful post in every way. I feel honored to have visited.

Kathie Brown said...

TR, beautiful as always, I would love to come back and visit the Wichita's once again for I would see them with new eyes.

@okieprof said...

Terrific post, thoughts and photos

And the camera and the film? Fits the mood of the prose. Looks like Polaroid--

KodasTotems said...

Beautiful Tim. There is nothing so beautiful as a spirit right where he belongs. I'm glad you're home.

the destination india said...

very beautiful picture.


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