In my travels, I'm always appreciative of those magical moments when nature unveils artwork that is more spectacular than my human mind can almost perceive. Today I definitely had one of those natural encounters.
Cruising off the coast of Maui in a 100 passenger snorkeling vessel is not necessarily the ideal way to see these beautiful Hawaiian waters -- unless that particular boat is empty, the sky a brilliant blue and the coral-effused waters of the Olawalu marine sanctuary absolutely crystal clear. This trifecta of sailing conditions was the perfect canvas for Ma nature to delight..and she did not disappoint. There is no better artist.
These black durgon fish (Melichthys niger) seemed keen to be immortalized on the canvas - and seemingly undulated on the clear surface in the flat sand bottoms just a short distance from the coral hilltops.
Reflection, refraction, and wave movements all lend to the diversity of color and pattern in this image. Ocean water gets its apparent color from the selective absorption and scattering of the light spectrum as it passes through the water from the sun. Nature proves that the very best museums are without walls or ceilings.
We're moving out to much deeper water now. Have you a guess what makes that flash of white that seems to be dancing within that shadowy violet blue? You would be correct if you guessed the pectoral fin of one of the largest mammals in the world, Megaptera novaeangilae. The humpback whale glides effortlessly under the bow of the boat and with it more stories for another day.
Tim, I'm so glad you appreciate nature's own artwork. I'm always mesmerized by water (standing, lapping, flowing, falling). Your photos look like paintings. Beautiful!
I wish there were a silk shirt or dress that looked like these swirling oceans. I adore these photos and this post. I remember hanging off the stern of the Bluenose going over to Newfoundland, transfixed by the foamy wake. I couldn't stop watching the patterns. This is the first time I've wanted to go to Hawaii! Thanks for that!
Awesome whale shot! Water is such an amazing substance in so many ways. I sometimes consider trying to paint wavy water (like in your first pictures,) but I know I'd never get anywhere CLOSE to reality on that. Just magical...
Really, really beautiful. Your pictures and words are, as usual, inspired and stunning. xoxo K8
The colors in the first two water pictures are beautiful! What an eye for such beauty! Thanks, T.R.
Gorgeous. The second picture had a very geometric look to it, almost designed.
Magical, TR, magical. Calming and energetic all at once. They evoke the colors and patterns of an abalone shell or an abstract bit of graphic design.
I hope you're having a wonderful time!
How beautiful!!
Art in nature, the best inspiration :)
I'm just speechless ... these are true masterpieces!
Tim, I'm so glad you appreciate nature's own artwork. I'm always mesmerized by water (standing, lapping, flowing, falling). Your photos look like paintings. Beautiful!
magnificent. images and words. i want to see through your eyes.
I wish there were a silk shirt or dress that looked like these swirling oceans. I adore these photos and this post. I remember hanging off the stern of the Bluenose going over to Newfoundland, transfixed by the foamy wake. I couldn't stop watching the patterns. This is the first time I've wanted to go to Hawaii! Thanks for that!
these are brilliant! very nice!
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Wiley Willows Photoblog
Those fish are incredible. Julie is right - the water looks like fabric. It is swirling, moving constantly, yet somehow serene. You are brilliant!
Beautiful kaleidoscopic pictures! They really are nature's art work!
Awesome whale shot! Water is such an amazing substance in so many ways. I sometimes consider trying to paint wavy water (like in your first pictures,) but I know I'd never get anywhere CLOSE to reality on that. Just magical...
I just love these colors that you captured and you framed them perfectly!
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